1171 Lakepointe Drive, Plantation, FLorida 33322
Lakepointe at Jacaranda Apartments in Plantation Florida
Resident Reviews!!
Trust me, you do not want to live at Lakepointe!! It is the worst, absolute worst apartment complex in all of Plantation. I suffered for an entire year in this dump. I have photos of cockroaches (yes, plural, as in like 20 cockroaches) that I will be sending in for publication on this website very, very soon!! Live, smelly, stinking cockroaches all over my apartment the day I moved in!! Wanna see them? Check back in a few days and I'll e-mail them in. This is no joke. Lakepointe is an awful, awful, place to call home.
It's a total joke that Lakepointe at Jacaranda says it's "pet friendly." Here's a tip! Gouging residents for $400 as a pet fee and having dog poop all over the grass and sidewalks ain't "pet friendly" by any stretch! If you were to do away with the pet fee and create a zero-tolerance pooper-scooper policy, now that would be the true definition of "pet friendly." Canine fecal matter trasmits disease. It's a fact. Keeping a clean and safe environment for dogs is "pet friendly." If I were the property manager's boss, I'd insist they stop calling this a "pet friendly" community. It's far, far from that.
I have the grossest neighbor!! She never picks up her dog's crap!! I want to publicly shame this stupid bitch right here right now on this website. She lives at 1152 Lakepointe Lane and she walks two small white dogs on a pink retractable leash and she has medium-length brown hair and she has a big fat ass that is way too big for her jeans and all she does is monkey around with her smartphone while her dogs crap right in front of my house, pretending like she doesn't see the dog crap coming out of her dogs' butt-holes. This is the most pathetic loser and disgusting slob of a neighbor I have ever had in my whole life. She should be forced to roll around in her dogs' feces!! Great job with the pooper scooper policy, Lakepointe at Jacaranda in Plantation Florida!!
If you're considering living here please know that there are crazy fees that pop up clear out of the blue sky. Here is one example. For no reason whatsoever, I am now paying a $39 annual administrative fee to receive my water bill because there is a new company in charge of billing. That is the biggest BULLSH*T ever!!!!! For years, there was never a fee!! Now there is!! There is no reason for it AT ALL!! That's $39 out of my pocket for absolutely nothing!! I get nothing tangible in return for that $39!!!!!
If I had to sum up my stay at Lakepointe at Jacaranda in just a few words they would be "Noise" and "Dog Shit" ... "Dog Shit and Noise."
Here is another great example of how ghetto Lakepointe at Jacaranda is ... There is a sign clearly posted in front of the dumpster that says something to the effect of NO FURNITURE. But the people here have no regard for decency or the look of their community and they leave dirty, rotting old sofas laying around the common grounds, forcing everyone to look at these types of eyesores and forcing the maintenance workers to remove their garbage. NOTICE, TOO, THE TRASH BAGS ON THE GROUND IN FRONT OF THE DUMPSTER AND NOT INSIDE THE DUMPSTER!! WHO THE HECK DOES THAT?? INDIGENT MORONS, THAT'S WHO!! YOU REALLY WANNA LIVE HERE??
Lakepointe at Jacaranda Apartments in Plantation Florida Dumpster
You know how Nordstrom accepts returns with a smile and no hassles? You know how the Ritz-Carlton upgrades your room when you call downstairs to say there's no hot water? You know how Houston's takes off the steak from your check when you tell the server it arrived a bit undercooked? Well, just think of Lakepointe as the EXACT opposite of those places. You'll never hear an apology from the manager and you'll never be made whole after a problem with your apartment. Keep that in mind if you are dumb enough to consider renting here.
They ought to change the name from 'Lakepointe at Jacaranda' to 'Fee-Based Living' ... Goddamnit, there indeed is a fee for everything here!! Either that, or 'Oh, they're only Palmetto Bugs' ... Shitty place to live!!
I think Terri McCrary could win two awards -- worst property manager in America and absolute butt-ugliest human being on the face of the planet.
When you have an issue with your apartment at Lakepointe, they don't apologize to you ... All they do is obfuscate, talk down to you, and filibuster until you walk away in disgust, completely drained from listening to three jackasses do anything to absolve themselves of all blame for anything that's gone wrong like roaches, noise, loitering, garbage accumulating on the ground near the dumpster, piles of dog shit, and so on.
Feels like I am being squeezed for every last dollar to my name at Lakepointe at Jacaranda. Pretty pathetic place to live.
For the people who work in the manager's office, here's some free advice. When I come to tell you that there are roaches all over my apartment, your best course of action is to apologize, even if you are feigning sympathy, and send the exterminator over immediately. Issuing your standard retort, "Oh, they are only Palmetto bugs" is not acceptable. Hey, dumbasses, a Palmetto bug is a ROACH!!!
The rent may seem cheap but do not be fooled. This apartment community has bloodsuckers in charge. You will be whacked for fees like crazy. Storage? Yes, a fee for that!! Valet trash? Yes, a fee for that!! Oh, you don't want valet trash, huh, and you say you don't use and you never asked for the service? Tough shit, you still pay the fee!! Just to receive your water bill in the mail? Yes, a new administrative fee for that!! Got a pet? Yes, a fee for that!! Two, pets? We'll need another fee!! Want to know about more? Okay!! Just to submit an application for residency? Yes, a fee for that!! For the high privilege of merely taking possession of your apartment? Yes, a "move-in" fee for that!! Would you like an assigned parking space? There'll be a big fee for that -- 600 freaking dollars a year!! Oh, there's no fee for the roaches or the noise. They are complimentary, so far. Who knows if Lakepointe will soon start to charge for the nasty bugs!!
You would have to be on crack to want to live here.
Speeding cars in the parking lot. Noisy neighbors. Trash all over the grounds. Dog crap on the grass. Roaches in the apartment ("Oh, they're just Palmetto bugs," is the refrain you'll hear ad naseum from the gross property manager). Overflowing garbage cans. Weirdos fishing in the canal. Huge monthly fee for the tiniest of storage closets. Idiots leaving marketing literature on your doorstep (this week it was flyers from TOTAL INCOME TAX SERVICES BY MELKOY MASON PA). Ever-increasing fees. And on and on and on. You do not want to rent here. You'll be miserable!!
You would have to be completely brainless to rent an apartment here. Lakepointe is the most mismanaged apartment we've ever lived in.
Every fucking night at this disgusting apartment complex the piece of shit garbage collector drives around in his smelly fucking garbage truck with his music absolutely blasting like a fucking ghetto hoodlum!! He is a service worker who should be respectful and appreciative he has the contract; not some asswipe ghetto douche blasting hip hop and annoying the shit out of me and everyone who lives here. Geeeeeeeez!! Turn off your fucking radio when you arrive to pick up the trash. It's called common courtesty, professionalism, and not being a complete ass!!
It's my opinion that the people who run Lakepointe are the dumbest people on the planet and here's why. About three months ago there was a call placed to Plantation police about an attempted break-in. (Verify this if you want by calling 954-797-2100 and querying about Apartment #1181 back in like October-ish). Rather than do something smart about the attempted break-in like hire a security rover or install a gate around the property border (you freaking charge enough for rent + all your fees ... thanks for the massive water bill hike, by the way), Lakepointe decided to install incredibly bright lights that make it impossible to walk the property at night. There is a terribly annoying bright light on the north end of the property, hanging from a carport and another in the courtyard near the volleyball court that so, so many residents use (NOT!) and another in the back of my building along the canal on the west side of the Lakepointe property. Again, you cannot walk the property at night without being blinded by these unbelievably bright lights that will totally kill your retinas if you walk past them. Such jokers run this community!! Okay, I get it; break-in attempts happen everywhere, but use your freaking brains, Lakepointe, if you have any!! Dumbasses!!
I think it sucks that I had to pay $600 for my dogs and there isn't even a play area for pets and what's so stupid is that there are tennis and volleyball courts that no one uses, okay once in more than a year I saw two fat girls "playing" tennis, not as fat as Terry who is in charge at Lakepointe, but still pretty fat, so these two girls were standing around smoking and eating and lamely lobbing balls back and forth is more like it, so why doesn't Terry make a doggy play area out of the tennis courts because no one uses them anyway, I think that shows how out of touch she is.
I want to personally thank you for doing this website because my boyfriend and I came to look at an apartment here and never would have thought to check out the air conditioners for loud noise or the common areas for excessive dog poop. You saved us a year's worth of misery. Indeed the air conditioners bang away like mad and the grass is filled with dog crap. We almost threw away $15,000 for a year's lease. Post this is if you would like but most important is that you know that we're thankful for the warning!!
I lost count about six months ago of all the roaches my family has seen in our Lakepointe apartment.
Great comments ... All true ... Lakepointe is the worst apartment complex I've ever lived in. Can't wait to move out!!!
These greedy assholes at Lakepointe just raised my water bill like 33%!! It used to be like $43 a month for trash + water. By the way, they force me to pay for trash even tho I don't use it. The trash is still $25 and now my total bill for December was over $50. Hey, Lakepointe, what's with the fucking 9% admin fee? Enough, you greedy assholes!!
I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!! I can't disagree with anything!! One thing I'd add is that the workers here are so incompetent that even when they try to do the right thing like illuminating the community, they screw up so badly, by installing zillion-watt light bulbs that blind my dogs and me every time we walk by. It's like staring into a car's high beams. Get a freaking clue, LAJ!!
God, I just saw the most disgusting thing! I didn't want to send any comments to you in the past few weeks since finding this website for fear of "piling on" ... But a skinhead-looking dude, who says he's in law school, watched his dog take a huge crap right in front of my apartment and he just walked away. (I have video of it, too)!! He didn't even think for a moment about cleaning it up!! If anyone knows this ginormous douchebag (he drives a green Jeep with oversized tires, lives with his girlfriend who drives a white Jeep, has two dogs, a beard, and a shaved head, and usually wears wife-beaters), please tell him to pick up after his animals!! Dog sh*t is a conduit for disease!! Please post and share this!!
I fucking hate living here!! Lakepointe at Jacaranda is a terrible apartment community. Just look at the picture I've sent in of the dumpster. Aren't the residents supposed to put the garbarge in the dumpster and not on the ground adjacent to the dumspter? Just sayin'.
Lakepointe at Jacaranda Apartments in Plantation Florida Dumpster
First place I've ever lived in my life where they take no measures against dog owners who don't clean up after their animals. Some buildings post signs. Others use security cameras. Many are now doing DNA testing. Lakepointe at Jacaranda does none of the above and there are piles of nauseating dog crap everywhere.
I've never lived in a worse apartment complex in my entire life. Sad, really sad.
Worst decision ever in my life to move here. Been miserable since Day One!
There are no words to adequately describe the dog shit problem at Lakepointe at Jacaranda. It is completely out of control.
Lakepointe at Jacaranda is perfect for anyone who enjoys noise and filth.
Lakepointe at Jacaranda is covered in dog shit!! None of the residents clean up after their pets & the front office doesn't enforce the pooper-scooper policy. If it has one.
I think it's terrible the way the residents show such disregard for the common areas. Please post to your website this photo of a discarded sofa that someone just left on the grass. Why the three yutzes who work in the manager's office don't do anything about this behavior is shameful.
Lakepointe at Jacaranda Apartments in Plantation Florida Sofa
This place is fucking loud!! You can hear the air conditioners rattling from miles away!!
Jacaranda Lakepointe is totally ghetto!
Love how Lakepointe at Jacaranda makes you pay for trash pickup so some dude can come on the property and blast his hip-hop music as he collects the garbage. Nice touch. Very professional.
Lakepointe at Jacaranda is disgusting. Period.
Worst apartment complex in Plantation.
Gross. Enough said.
I dunno what's worse. The ghetto losers blasting their rap music at the car wash or the homeless dudes fishing in the canal.
Worst 12 months of my life. You cannot sleep here. The noise is simply unbearable.
How freaking hard can it be to keep the garbage cans from overflowing at Lakepoint at Jacaranda?? See photo [below].
Overflowing garbage cans at Lakepointe at Jacaranda Plantation
We faced the most run-down trailer park across a dirty canal and were forced to pay a premium for the 'view.'
Whoever decided on the trash pickup should be fired. People leave their shit outside so the ducks and squirrels can rummage thru it, leaving chicken bones and other garbage remnants scattered around the Lakepointe grounds. YUCK!!
I love the way garbage piles up on the ground all over the Lakepointe property. Ever so classy.
Dog shit, dog shit, dog shit. Everywhere!!!
Total ripoff! Fees for everything, even if you don't use the services. Like the trash! An extra $25 a month for nothing if you don't use the valet. A joke.
Correction from what someone said earlier. You can hear the A/C rattling from several states away, not 'miles' but entire other jurisdictions.
Lakepointe at Jacaranda is stinky. And overpriced.
You should see the gross people who live here. It's astounding.

*Note From The Publisher: The reviews contained herein are actual comments aggregated for the purposes of motivating the management of this poorly maintained property to lower the outrageous rent prices, eliminate the moronic fees (move-in fee, application fee, dog fee, trash fee, and so on), replace the outrageously loud air conditioners so people can get some sleep for a change, replace every tiny trash receptacle adjacent to the mailboxes that invariably overflow with flyers and other solicitations, implement a zero-tolerance pooper-scooper policy, implement a reasonable noise policy (one that strictly forbids blasting of profanity-laced rap music or any other kind of music for that matter), implement a "no soliciting" policy to keep peddlers of religious literature and fast-food coupons off the Lakepointe At Jacaranda property, and treat the residents with an appropriate level of courtesy and respect. Until that happens, residents are welcome to continue submitting honest feedback to:

*Addendum From The Publisher: Thanks for everyone's support!! This website is starting to gain great traction as we're on Page 1 of Google and all of the world's other top search engines among organic search results!! Tons of reviews are coming in from former and current Lakepointe at Jacaranda residents alike. As a reminder, by sending us your comments, photos, and videos, you consent to having those comments and multimedia files published herein, and we shall continue to protect your privacy by keeping all posts anonymous as to prevent any retribution against you from the Lakepointe management for exercising your Constitutional right to express your opinions. Please keep all comments honest, pithy, and relevant, and we'll post them in a timely manner. We also continue to maintain the right to edit your comments for grammar, spelling, and brevity. That's it! Keep the feedback coming!!

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